Meet the Founders:

Meet the two Founders of Eau Du Vin, Lauren & Kimberle! Both ladies are mama's of young children and seasoned wine educators, having obtained 17 professional wine certifications combined. Lauren and Kimberle first connected in 2022 after a Willamette Valley AVA Pinot Noir Masterclass. Lauren knew immediately that Kimberle would be the perfect partner to build a company with together from scratch. Kimberle accepted. It was kismet. Then, it was off to the races! They laugh in sharing that Kimberle is more of the numbers/data person and Lauren is the creative one, which has created a perfect balance of skill sets as founders.

They spent 2022 in Research and Development choosing suppliers, testing countless bases, product vessels and packaging. To date, over 700 fragrances have been crafted to narrow it down to the current 10 wine varietal fragrance collections in Eau Du Vin’s portfolio (with more in the pipeline). Eau Du Vin officially launched in May 2023, kicking off with local festivals. Lauren and Kimberle bootstrapped and participated in 25+ local Atlanta festivals, which brought priceless feedback and a way to connect with new customers. 

Selling across different demographics, learning the customer’s needs, implementing product refinement, building the brand and telling the story to thousands in the community was extremely hard work, sometimes back breaking, but truly invaluable for building a solid foundation.Classic teamwork and unwavering dedication to the mission paid off. 

Eau Du Vin closed out 2023 with startling profits, brand recognition and numerous repeat customers. Lauren & Kimberle love meeting with new accounts and retailers to showcase their product collections, as well as tell their story and purpose which is focused on providing a really fun way to celebrate wine culture by continuing the narrative of wine outside of the glass.

Eau Du Vin also gives back to communities by donating a percentage of all sales to Charity Water, which provides clean water supplies to individuals experiencing water insecurities around the world. The priority from day one has always been to  lead with philanthropy, providing customers a way to help lend a hand in resolving a drastically important issue that changes lives immediately through purchasing Eau Du Vin products.

Unwavering commitment and tons of hard work have now landed Eau Du Vin in 20+ high end retailers, wine stores, wineries, boutiques and specialty stores across the nation. Lauren and Kimberle have big plans for Eau Du Vin. It has been extremely rewarding and so much fun being on the journey together… and they are just getting started! 

Lauren and Kimberle choose one word to focus on for each year as a business goal. In 2023, their word was Alignment. Now in 2024, their word to implement in both life and business is Growth. Setting one word goals is the best way to set the tone for the whole year and they can't wait to see what growth happens for Eau Du Vin in 2024. Cheers!

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